Our bus and vans are the only public transportation available in Weston County. The vehicles are operational from 8 AM till 4 PM, Monday through Friday.

Call (307) 746-4903 to arrange transportation for shopping, medical appointments and other scheduled needs.

Remember, we are not an ambulance service. If you have a doctor's appointment out of town and are handicapped, you will need to have an aide riding with you and will need to make your arrangements in advance.

Suggested donations are:
$1.00 per ride within a 5 mile radius of city limits; beyond is 35 cents per mile.

Our vehicles are available to most folds--Seniors Have First Priority--they are handicapped equipped with cell phones for quick, efficient dispatching and emergency situations.

**Our Drivers have the right to refuse service to anyone displaying intoxication, using profanity, posing a health hazard, or any other form of offensive behavior.**